29 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Approach to Manifold Topology Reconstruction

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of statistical reconstruction of piecewise linear manifold topology. Given a noisy, probably undersampled point cloud from a one- or two-manifold, the algorithm reconstructs an approximated most likely mesh in a Bayesian sense from which the sample might have been taken. We incorporate statistical priors on the object geometry to improve the reconstruction quality if additional knowledge about the class of original shapes is available. The priors can be formulated analytically or learned from example geometry with known manifold tessellation. The statistical objective function is approximated by a linear programming / integer programming problem, for which a globally optimal solution is found. We apply the algorithm to a set of 2D and 3D reconstruction examples, demon-strating that a statistics-based manifold reconstruction is feasible, and still yields plausible results in situations where sampling conditions are violated

    A Bayesian Approach to Manifold Topology Reconstruction

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of statistical reconstruction of piecewise linear manifold topology. Given a noisy, probably undersampled point cloud from a one- or two-manifold, the algorithm reconstructs an approximated most likely mesh in a Bayesian sense from which the sample might have been taken. We incorporate statistical priors on the object geometry to improve the reconstruction quality if additional knowledge about the class of original shapes is available. The priors can be formulated analytically or learned from example geometry with known manifold tessellation. The statistical objective function is approximated by a linear programming / integer programming problem, for which a globally optimal solution is found. We apply the algorithm to a set of 2D and 3D reconstruction examples, demon-strating that a statistics-based manifold reconstruction is feasible, and still yields plausible results in situations where sampling conditions are violated

    GPU point list generation through histogram pyramids

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    Image Pyramids are frequently used in porting non-local algorithms to graphics hardware. A Histogram pyramid (short: HistoPyramid), a special version of image pyramid, sums up the number of active entries in a 2D image hierarchically. We show how a HistoPyramid can be utilized as an implicit indexing data structure, allowing us to convert a sparse matrix into a coordinate list of active cell entries (a point list) on graphics hardware . The algorithm reduces a highly sparse matrix with N elements to a list of its M active entries in O(N) + M (log N) steps, despite the restricted graphics hardware architecture. Applications are numerous, including feature detection, pixel classification and binning, conversion of 3D volumes to particle clouds and sparse matrix compression

    Research of Corrosion Resistance of Biomedical Materials

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    В настоящей статье отражены результаты исследования коррозионной стойкости сплавов на основе кобальта, титана и нержавеющей стали, применяемых в настоящее время для изготовления компонентов им плантируемых медицинских изделий.The article deals with a study of the corrosion resistance of alloys based on cobalt, titanium and stainless steel, which are currently used for the manufacture of components of implantable medical devices.Авторы выражают благодарность научному руководителю — доктору технических наук, профессору С.В. Скворцовой.The authors express their gratitude to the scientific supervisor — doctor of sciences in engineering, professor S.V. Skvortsov

    The first experience of application of High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation for prostate cancer

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    In the clinic of urology of the Sverdlovsk regional hospital № 1 organized 32 HIFU therapy. The mean operative time 120 minutes (from 40 to 180 minutes). Intraoperative complications were not. The average time of hospitalization was 7 (6 to 10) days. Postoperative hospital stay from 5 to 7 days. Within 3 months all patients decreased PSA to 0.5 ng/ml and below. In 20 patients after 6 months, there has been a constantly low level of PSA is 0.2 ng/ml to 0.5 ng/ml. Thus, the use of high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation can be successfully treated various stages of prostate cancer with minimal side effects, provides opportunities for early assessment of the effectiveness of treatment.В клинике урологии ГБОУ ВПО УГМУ на базе ГБУЗ СО 'СОКБ1 №1 проведено 32 HIFU терапии. Среднее время операции 120 минут (от 40 до 180 мин.). Интраоперационных осложнений не было. Среднее время госпитализации составило 7 (от 6 до 10) дней. Послеоперационный койко-день от 5 до7 дней. В течение 3 месяцев у всех пациентов произошло снижение PSA до 0,5 нг/мл и ниже. У 20 пациентов после 6 месяцев наблюдается стабильно низкий уровень PSA от 0,2 нг/мл до 0,5 нг/мл. Таким образом, применение высокоинтенсивной фокусированной ультразвуковой абляции позволяет успешно лечить различные стадии рака простаты, с минимальными побочными эффектами, дает возможность ранней оценки эффективности лечения

    4D Match Trees for Non-rigid Surface Alignment

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    This paper presents a method for dense 4D temporal alignment of partial reconstructions of non-rigid surfaces observed from single or multiple moving cameras of complex scenes. 4D Match Trees are introduced for robust global alignment of non-rigid shape based on the similarity between images across sequences and views. Wide-timeframe sparse correspondence between arbitrary pairs of images is established using a segmentation-based feature detector (SFD) which is demonstrated to give improved matching of non-rigid shape. Sparse SFD correspondence allows the similarity between any pair of image frames to be estimated for moving cameras and multiple views. This enables the 4D Match Tree to be constructed which minimises the observed change in non-rigid shape for global alignment across all images. Dense 4D temporal correspondence across all frames is then estimated by traversing the 4D Match tree using optical flow initialised from the sparse feature matches. The approach is evaluated on single and multiple view images sequences for alignment of partial surface reconstructions of dynamic objects in complex indoor and outdoor scenes to obtain a temporally consistent 4D representation. Comparison to previous 2D and 3D scene flow demonstrates that 4D Match Trees achieve reduced errors due to drift and improved robustness to large non-rigid deformations

    On the results of early diagnosis and treatment of patients with localized prostate cancer in a large industrial region

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    The main indicators of organization of urological care in Sverdlovsk region were analyzed. The structure of urological and oncourological morbidity in dynamic from 2000 to 2018 was presented. The data of the personnel structure and bed stock of urological service was shown. The effective methods of men treatment with prostate cancer in the year of 45-80 by the modern methods of SOKB №1: brachytherapy, robot-assisted operations, ultrasound ablation HiFU, radical prostatectomy, laser ablation, hormonotherapy – allow us to prove for the soon improvement and use in regions of Sverdlovsk region (Governor’s program “Urological men’s health» in Sverdlovsk region)Проанализированы основные показатели организации урологической помощи в Свердловской области. Представлена структура урологической и онкоурологической заболеваемости в динамике с 2000 по 2018 гг. Приведены данные о кадровом составе и коечном фонде урологической службы. эффективные методы. Лечения мужчин больных раком простаты в возрасте 45-80 лет современными методами СокБ№1: брахитерапия, робот-ассистированные операции, ультразвуковая абляция HiFU, радикальная простатэктомия, лазерная абляция, гормонотерапия и др. позволяют рассчитывать на их скорейшее развитие и внедрение в районах нашей области (Губернаторская программа «Урологическое здоровье мужчины» в Свердловской области)

    Minimally invasive treatment of localized prostate cancers. Immediate and long-term complications

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    Organ-operation are the most promising in the preservation of the quality of life, social adaptation, minimizing intra – and postoperative adverse effects in patients with localized forms of prostate cancer. The clinic UGMU based GBUZ CO 'SOKB №1» with high efficiency using modern techniques such as low-dose brachytherapy (LDR) and high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation in the treatment of localized forms of prostate cancer. During the use of these techniques over 924 patients have been treated, with a minimum of complication and high efficiency.Органосохраняющие операции являются наиболее перспективными в сохранении качества жизни, социальной адаптации, минимизации интра - и послеоперационных негативных последствий у пациентов с локализованными формами рака предстательной железы. В клинике УГМУ на базе ГБУЗ СО «СОКБ №1» с высокой эффективностью применяются современные методики такие как низкодозная брахитерапия (LDR) и высокоинтенсивная фокусированная ультразвуковая (HiFu) абляция при лечении локализованных форм рака предстательной железы. За время использования данных методик пролечено более 924 пациентов, с минимальным количеством осложнений и высокой эффективностью

    Резолюция по итогам Совещания экспертов по лечению кастрационно-резистентного рака предстательной железы

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    Resolution on the results of the Meeting of Experts on the treatment of castrate-resistant prostate cancer.Итоги обсуждения вопросов лечения метастатического кастрационно-резистентного рака предстательной железы (мКРРПЖ) и определения места препарата энзалутамид в лечении пациентов с мКРРПЖ

    {Multi-Stereorekonstruktion nicht-lambert'scher Oberfl\"achen mittels Graph-Cut Optimierung}

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